
Cable Transport for ZTT/Cosco
from China to NL
Client: ZTT/Cosco Shipping
Year: 2022
Scope: Contract to supply a 2000t turntable for cable transport from China to Velsen Noord, the Netherlands.
Cable Transport Ostwind 2 Offshore Wind Farm Germany
Client: Boskalis
Year: 2021
Scope: Supply of a barge and 2000t Carousel spread
Rhine Cable Transport for NKT
Client: NKT
Year: 2020-2021
Scope: Shallow water barge with 2000te carousel spread
Cable transport to Philippine
Client: NTG
Year: 2019
Scope: Contract to supply client a 2000t turntable on deck for cable transport from Europe to the Philippines.
Norway cable transport
and handling project
Client: SSE/BOWL
Year: 2018
Scope: Supply of barge with a 5300te carousel spread
Greece cable transport
and handling project
Client: Hellenic
Year: 2017
Scope: Supply of heavy lift cargo vessel with a 1100te carousel spread
Cable Transport from
South Korea to Qatar
Client: LS Cable
Year: 2014/2015
Scope: Supply of two 4000te carousels